Publications in journals

  • Cabanellas-Reboredo, M.; Deudero S.; Alós J.; Valencia J.M.; March D.; Hendriks I.E. & Álvarez E, "Recruitment of Pinna nobilis (Mollusca: Bivalvia) on artificial structures" [], "marine biodiversity records", Volume 2, Issue 126, 2009. Paper.
  • Conley, D.J., Carstensen, J., Vaquer-Sunyer, R. and Duarte, C.M, "Ecosystems thresholds with hypoxia", "Hydrobiologia", Volume 629, Issue 1, Pages 21-29, 2009. Paper.
  • Regaudie-de-Gioux, A., Vaquer-Sunyer, R. and Duarte, C.M., "Patterns in pelagic metabolism in the Mediterranean Sea", "Biogeosciences", Volume 6, Pages 3081-3089, 2009. Paper.
  • A Lázaro; A Traveset, "Does the spatial variation in selective pressures explain among-site differences in seed mass? A test with Buxus balearica", "Evolutionary Ecology", Volume 23, Issue 6, Pages 847, 2009. Paper.
  • Jakobsson, A.; Padrón, B. and Traveset, A., "Competition for pollinators between invasive and native plants - the importance of spatial scale of investigation", "Ecoscience", Volume 16, Pages 138-141, 2009. Paper in press.
  • PADRÓN, B.; TRAVESET, A.; BIEDENWEG, T.; DÍAZ, D.; OLESEN, J.M. & NOGALES, M., "Impact of invasive species in the pollination networks of two different archipelagos", "Plos One", Volume 4(7), Pages 1-11, 2009. Paper in press.
  • Kaiser-Bunbury, C.N.; Traveset, A. & Hansen, D.M., "Conservation and restoration of plant-animal mutualisms on oceanic islands", "Perspectives In Plant Ecology Evolution And Systematics", 2009. Paper in press.
  • Stefanescu, C. & Traveset, A., "Flower preferences by Mediterranean butterflies: Factors influencing their degree of generalism", "Oikos", Volume 118, Pages 1109-1117, 2009. Paper in press.
  • Traveset, A.; Nogales, M.; Alcover, J.A.; Delgado, J.D.; López, M.; Godoy, D.; Igual, J.M. & Bover, P., "A review on the effects of alien rodents in the BAlearic (W Mediterranean) and CAnary Islands (Atlantic Ocean)", "Biological Invasions", Volume 11, Pages 1653-1670, 2009. Review.
  • Morales, C.L. & Traveset, A., "A meta-analysis of impacts of alien vs. native plants on pollinator visitation and reproductive success of co-flowering native plants", "Ecology Letters", Volume 12, Pages 716-728, 2009. Review.
  • Rodríguez-Pérez, J. and Traveset, A., "Seed dispersal effectiveness in a plant-lizard interaction and its consequences for plant regeneration after the disperser loss", "Plant Ecology", Volume 12, Pages 716-728, 2009. Paper in press.
  • Hegland, S.J.; Nielsen, A.; Lázaro, A.; Bjerknes, A.L.; Totland, Ø., "How does climate warming affect plant?pollinator interactions?", "Ecology Letters", Volume 12, Issue 2, Pages 184-195, 2009. Paper.
  • Lázaro, A.; Lundgren, R.; Totland, Ø., "Co?flowering neighbors influence the diversity and identity of pollinator groups visiting plant species", "Oikos", Volume 118, Issue 5, Pages 691-702, 2009. Paper.
  • Jakobsson,A.; Lázaro, A.; Totland, Ø., "Relationships between the floral neighborhood and individual pollen limitation in two self-incompatible herbs", "Oecologia", Volume 160, Issue 4, Pages 707-719, 2009. Paper.