Publications in journals

  • Marbá, N.; C.M. Duarte, "Coupling of seagrass (Cymodocea nodosa) patch dynamics to subaqueous dune migration.", "Journal of Ecology", Issue 83, Pages 381-389, 1995. Paper.
  • Cebrián, J.; Duarte, C.M.; Marbà, N.; Enríquez, S.; Gallegos, M.E.; Olesen, B., "Herbivory on Posidonia oceanica (L.) Delile: Magnitude and variability in the Spanish Mediterranean.", "Marine Ecology-Progress Series", Issue 130, Pages 147-155, 1995. Paper.
  • Vermaat, J.; Agawin, N.; Duarte, C.M.; Fortes, M.D.; Marbà, N.; Uri, J., "Meadow minenance, growth and productivity of a mixed Philippine bed.", "Marine Ecology-Progress Series", Issue 124, Pages 215-225, 1995. Paper.
  • Vermaat JE, Agawin NSR, Duarte CM, Fortes MD, Marbá N, Uri J, "Meadow maintenance, growth and productivity of a mixed Philippine seagrass bed", "Marine Ecology-Progress Series", Volume 124, Pages 215-225, 1995. Paper.
  • Traveset, A., "Spatio-temporal variation in pre-dispersal reproductive losses of a mediterranean shrub, Euphorbia dendroides L.", "Oecologia", Volume 103, Pages 118-126, 1995. Paper.
  • Traveset, A.; Willson, M. F.; Gaither, J. C. Jr., "Avoidance by birds of insect-infested fruits of Vaccinium ovalifolium .", "Oikos", Volume 73, Pages 381-386, 1995. Paper.
  • Traveset, A., "Reproductive ecology of Cneorum tricoccon L. (Cneoraceae) in the Balearic Islands.", "Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society", Volume 117, Pages 221-232, 1995. Paper.
  • Traveset, A., "Seed dispersal of Cneorum tricoccon by lizards and mammals in the Balearic Archipelago.", "Acta Oecologica-International Journal of Ecology", Volume 16, Pages 171-178, 1995. Paper.